Wednesday 29 October 2008

New York secrets

You may have read, or heard, that Lindsay's blog will automatically keep you informed of her progress in the New York marathon on Sunday, since whenever she goes over a chip mat her details will be automatically emailed to the blog.

As much as I like technology, what a horrible idea!

It might just be my personality, but given the choice I'd rather nobody knew that I was doing a marathon at all (except perhaps until afterwards). It's bad enough that anyone can go to the marathon website and investigate my progress for themselves; I'm certainly not going to spoon-feed it to everyone! It just feels like it's piling on added unwanted pressure on my performance (I've got enough of that on my own!).

But, especially after last night's snow-curtailed training session, everyone knows where we're going this weekend and what we're up to. And thank you for all your good wishes! Thanks also for all the suggestions on what to do when we're there, and if only hope that it will involve a lot less shopping than you suggest. Anyway, with the pound not so strong against the dollar, that's another good excuse to give the shops a miss (although it's impossible to make financial predictions like that at the moment without them being proved wrong five minutes later). I'm just glad we paid for the flights and hotel in February...

Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound: if you insist on tracking my progress, I'll let you know what to look out for.

I'll try to go at 6:30 pace, which should be enough to target 2:50 overall. Now, I already know that that's a bit ambitious, but you don't get many chances at these, do you? So if I consistently go any faster than that for the first... 20 miles, say, then I deserve to get my wrists slapped, because that'll only lead to trouble. After that, though, anything goes. Hopefully I can keep it up, but if not, then hopefully I won't lose so much time that I end up any slower that 2:55. Well, 2:55:57 at the very worst.

So now you can decide when you see me again if New York is a topic which is likely to be out of bounds!

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