Friday, 27 March 2009

An odd injury

I'm injured again and I don't know why.

The MK half marathon went OK.  I went for a jog the following day, and my right knee started to ache.  But after a few minutes the ache went away again.  I was so busy enjoying my run (because, due to a combination of too little daylight and too much work, this was the first time I'd been able to run after work and not need to stay under street lights) that I didn't think about it again.

The next day I ran at the club, and completed the speedwork session without any trouble.  But it was jogging back to the club that my knee started to hurt again.  And a few days later, on doing some circuits at the gym, it seemed that my knee hurt more when I was going slowly on it than when I was going fast.

So I don't know what's going on.  But I've been trying the approach that's worked best for me in the past: leave it alone and it'll sort itself out.  So I've done nothing for the last week... and hopefully I'll be able to get round Sandy on Sunday.

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