Wednesday 7 May 2008

No running at all

Little did I realise that the Fountains 10k would be my last run for more than a week. The day after the race I developed a cold, and couldn't do any exercise for more than a week. It's weeks like this that make me realise just how much time I'd normally spend running. And how good it is to be out and about, and how ANNOYING it is to be stuck indoors feeling sorry for yourself with nothing better to do. (Oh, and speaking of annoying, Lindsay loves telling people about what it's like to be woken up in the middle of the night by your husband blowing his nose. Got to breathe somehow...)

Anyway, I'm better now, thanks for asking. So I thought I'd go for a little run this evening to get back into the swing of things, especially since it was lovely and sunny. This was all very well for a mile or so, and after that my legs felt like blocks of stone and I started to gasp for breath. It's amazing how quickly you can lose fitness... thankfully, it doesn't take all that long to get it back again (I'm telling myself). Better ease into it a bit more gently - only a week before the first midweek league race of the new season!

I've just realised I can summarise this post with 'being ill is rubbish'. Groundbreaking.

1 comment:

Lindsay said... my defence, nose blowing can be a little annoying at times!!!!